Drizzle with Vercel Postgres

This tutorial demonstrates how to use Drizzle ORM with Vercel Postgres. Vercel Postgres is a serverless SQL database designed to integrate with Vercel Functions and your frontend framework.

This guide assumes familiarity with:
  • You should have installed Drizzle ORM and Drizzle kit. You can do this by running the following command:
npm i drizzle-orm
npm i -D drizzle-kit
  • You should have installed dotenv package for managing environment variables. Read more about this package here
npm i dotenv
  • You should have installed @vercel/postgres package. Read more about this package here
npm i @vercel/postgres

Check Vercel documentation to learn how to connect to the database with Drizzle ORM.

Setup Vercel Postgres and Drizzle ORM

Create a new Vercel Postgres database

You can create new Vercel Postgres database in the dashboard.

Read Vercel Postgres documentation to learn how to create a new database.

Setup connection string variable

Navigate to your Vercel Postgres database and copy POSTGRES_URL from .env.local section.

Add POSTGRES_URL to your .env.local or .env file.


Connect Drizzle ORM to your database

Create a index.ts file in the src/db directory and set up your database configuration:

import { sql } from '@vercel/postgres';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/vercel-postgres';
import { config } from 'dotenv';

config({ path: '.env.local' }); // or .env

export const db = drizzle(sql);

Create tables

Create a schema.ts file in the src/db directory and declare your tables:

import { integer, pgTable, serial, text, timestamp } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';

export const usersTable = pgTable('users_table', {
  id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
  name: text('name').notNull(),
  age: integer('age').notNull(),
  email: text('email').notNull().unique(),

export const postsTable = pgTable('posts_table', {
  id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
  title: text('title').notNull(),
  content: text('content').notNull(),
  userId: integer('user_id')
    .references(() => usersTable.id, { onDelete: 'cascade' }),
  createdAt: timestamp('created_at').notNull().defaultNow(),
  updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at')
    .$onUpdate(() => new Date()),

export type InsertUser = typeof usersTable.$inferInsert;
export type SelectUser = typeof usersTable.$inferSelect;

export type InsertPost = typeof postsTable.$inferInsert;
export type SelectPost = typeof postsTable.$inferSelect;

Setup Drizzle config file

Drizzle config - a configuration file that is used by Drizzle Kit and contains all the information about your database connection, migration folder and schema files.

Create a drizzle.config.ts file in the root of your project and add the following content:

import { config } from 'dotenv';
import { defineConfig } from 'drizzle-kit';

config({ path: '.env.local' });

export default defineConfig({
  schema: './src/db/schema.ts',
  out: './migrations',
  dialect: 'postgresql',
  dbCredentials: {
    url: process.env.POSTGRES_URL!,

Applying changes to the database

You can generate migrations using drizzle-kit generate command and then run them using the drizzle-kit migrate command.

Generate migrations:

npx drizzle-kit generate

These migrations are stored in the drizzle/migrations directory, as specified in your drizzle.config.ts. This directory will contain the SQL files necessary to update your database schema and a meta folder for storing snapshots of the schema at different migration stages.

Example of a generated migration:

  "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  "title" text NOT NULL,
  "content" text NOT NULL,
  "user_id" integer NOT NULL,
  "created_at" timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
  "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL
--> statement-breakpoint
  "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  "name" text NOT NULL,
  "age" integer NOT NULL,
  "email" text NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT "users_table_email_unique" UNIQUE("email")
--> statement-breakpoint
 ALTER TABLE "posts_table" ADD CONSTRAINT "posts_table_user_id_users_table_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users_table"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action;
 WHEN duplicate_object THEN null;
END $$;

Run migrations:

npx drizzle-kit migrate

Alternatively, you can push changes directly to the database using Drizzle kit push command:

npx drizzle-kit push
Push command is good for situations where you need to quickly test new schema designs or changes in a local development environment, allowing for fast iterations without the overhead of managing migration files.

Basic file structure

This is the basic file structure of the project. In the src/db directory, we have database-related files including connection in db.ts and schema definitions in schema.ts.

📦 <project root>
 ├ 📂 src
 │   ├ 📂 db
 │   │  ├ 📜 index.ts
 │   │  └ 📜 schema.ts
 ├ 📂 migrations
 │   ├ 📂 meta
 │   │  ├ 📜 _journal.json
 │   │  └ 📜 0000_snapshot.json
 │   └ 📜 0000_watery_spencer_smythe.sql
 ├ 📜 .env.local
 ├ 📜 drizzle.config.ts
 ├ 📜 package.json
 └ 📜 tsconfig.json

Query examples

For instance, we create src/db/queries folder and separate files for each operation: insert, select, update, delete.

Insert data

Read more about insert query in the documentation.

import { db } from '../index';
import { InsertPost, InsertUser, postsTable, usersTable } from '../schema';

export async function createUser(data: InsertUser) {
  await db.insert(usersTable).values(data);

export async function createPost(data: InsertPost) {
  await db.insert(postsTable).values(data);

Select data

Read more about select query in the documentation.

import { asc, between, count, eq, getTableColumns, sql } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { db } from '../index';
import { InsertUser, SelectUser, postsTable, usersTable } from '../schema';

export async function getUserById(id: SelectUser['id']): Promise<
    id: number;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    email: string;
> {
  return db.select().from(usersTable).where(eq(usersTable.id, id));

export async function getUsersWithPostsCount(
  page = 1,
  pageSize = 5,
): Promise<
    postsCount: number;
    id: number;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    email: string;
> {
  return db
      postsCount: count(postsTable.id),
    .leftJoin(postsTable, eq(usersTable.id, postsTable.userId))
    .offset((page - 1) * pageSize);

export async function getPostsForLast24Hours(
  page = 1,
  pageSize = 5,
): Promise<
    id: number;
    title: string;
> {
  return db
      id: postsTable.id,
      title: postsTable.title,
    .where(between(postsTable.createdAt, sql`now() - interval '1 day'`, sql`now()`))
    .orderBy(asc(postsTable.title), asc(postsTable.id))
    .offset((page - 1) * pageSize);

Alternatively, you can use relational query syntax.

Update data

Read more about update query in the documentation.

import { eq } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { db } from '../index';
import { SelectPost, postsTable } from '../schema';

export async function updatePost(id: SelectPost['id'], data: Partial<Omit<SelectPost, 'id'>>) {
  await db.update(postsTable).set(data).where(eq(postsTable.id, id));

Delete data

Read more about delete query in the documentation.

import { eq } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { db } from '../index';
import { SelectUser, usersTable } from '../schema';

export async function deleteUser(id: SelectUser['id']) {
  await db.delete(usersTable).where(eq(usersTable.id, id));